Christmas Countdown: Day 3

Larger Than Life

As the days tick by and we get farther away from the New Year things seem to lose perspective. Resolutions disappear, like change into the couch cushions, and we get back into our comfortable routines, no longer seeing the world with fresh eyes.

But, at this time of year, our eyes tend to pop open more frequently, like mine did tonight when I walked into the bar.

“Holy cow, that is the biggest tree I’ve ever seen!,” I gasped and, of course, chose the table right next to it.

I really wanted to climb it, alas I wasn’t wearing the proper heels.

Christmas Countdown Day 3

This was the mother of all Evergreens (at least of the regular Christmas tree crops), just hanging out in the corner of the bar, making the whole place smell so fresh and so clean clean, as Outkast would say.

Maybe big isn’t always bad? Why not let moderation go on hold for a few weeks a year and larger than life trees, ideas, and jolly old men reign supreme?

This tree will definitely require ornaments the size of basketballs and soccer balls. It’s big, absurd, delightfully ridiculous—spurring our imaginations to think about what life would be like if…

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